A recent study shows that it takes about 10 seconds for a hiring manager to decide if he is going to review your CV or trash it in the bin. About 250 CVs are received for every job opening and out of these candidates, only 4 – 6 get invited for the interview and about 1 candidate gets the job. It takes good writing skills to prepare a professional CV that will stand out from other CVs the HR department will receive. I have heard a lot of people complain that they submitted more than 50 CVs in a year but never got an invite.

I have seen a lot of graduates with excellent track records of success in their education with badly written CVs. I was in this shoe as of 2020 until I discovered the secret of writing a great CV. A great CV will bring your skills to limelight and will make the hiring manager invite you for an interview even when you are not qualified for the job that you are applying for. This does not mean you have to provide false information about yourself.

It’s all about projecting your core skills and expertise with respect to the job you are applying for in the best possible ways. A good CV is the first step in finding a job and based on it, your future employer decides whether you make it to the next stage. If you want to stand out from other candidates then you need a professional CV.

In summary, a CV is a written document which contains details about a person’s past education, experience, knowledge, skills, competencies, accomplishments, projects, awards, and honours, etc while a Resume is a short and brief description about what a person possesses in context to the respective job like qualifications, previous job experiences, and achievements, competencies and skills.

I have prepared a FREE eBook titled ‘Positioning yourself for Jobs in 2022’ that will help you create an excellent CV that will strategically position you for your dream job. After downloading this FREE ebook, I will add you to my masterclass where I will teach you how to build an excellent profile on LinkedIn to attract employers within and outside Nigeria. The idea of submitting a hard copy CV/Resume is gradually fizzling out except you are not interested in advancing your career on the global stage. Click on the link below to get your FREE copy. Only the first 10 persons will get it for FREE. Link: https://bit.ly/3Kmihmv08026930018

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